Monday, 4 March 2013

Doing good and feeling good at the Ladyfolk Dandy Lion Market.

We had a super day at the Ladyfolk Dandy Lion Market. A Get Together with Oxfam and celebration of International Women's Day brought out the charitable side of traders and visitors alike. The sun shone through the windows, while visitors browsed, shopped, snacked and drank. They bought treats for themselves, for others and for Mum! We all played the Tombola to win delightful offerings donated by the traders, plus bottles of wine from the Oxford itself. The Tombola was a great hit, with trader's donated items and the best Tombola volunteer anyone could ask for. He was a natch. It was a lovely, jolly day with lots of feel good factor!

See all the pics & comments on the facebook page here! Our new best friends, Frocktasia have done the most amazing blog on the day, so I will share that, and share the love! Take a look here!

Diana Baynes looks really chuffed with her tombola win! Just happened to be my cushion she won!

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