This is a very proud moment for me. I've been featured in the
Kentishtowner, a great blog about Kentish Town, recently become hard copy in the form of a monthly newspaper. What's even greater is how it mentions my beloved market! it's just too fab for words...
Ich Bin Kentishtowner: Leslie Wilson-Rutterford, Dandy Lion Market Founder
Californian artist and longterm K-towner Leslie Wilson-Rutterford founded the popular Dandy lion Market, which sells affordable art, crafts and vintage wares monthly at The Oxford on Kentish Town Road. The next edition, a “Ladyfolk” special on March 2, is a Get Together with Oxfam to celebrate International Women’s Day and support women living in poverty around the world.
When were you happiest?
Being a second time around mum. Also during the daytime, in my own space at home creating and making things.
Read more here.
Some great Twitter posts going around, too!
And check out The Daily Sherriff's reposting of the Kentishtowner's one!