I'm so excited to be a part of this new book by
We Make London & Mary McDermott called
Inspired: London. "A Guide to Handmade in London reveals how and where to buy the best locally-made handmade British products directly from the makers. A brilliant handbook for wannabe designer-makers and a perfect black book for stylists, journalists, creatives and lovers of all things beautiful!" Please ignore the misspelling of my company name. That should be correct in the book!
"The guide was created by Mary McDermott, owner of
We Make London, a series of regular craft events across the city, after she spotted a rise in the interest in handmade products in the UK." She is a great gal and has worked very hard for us crafters in London. The group originally started by Mary on Etsy, she and her team have organised, hosted and participated in numerous craft events all over London, and now a fabulous book! The official launch of
Inspired: London will be on the 10 and 11 November at Spitalfield's Market. I feel honoured to be included and am especially looking forward to the press launch party this Thursday. Watch this space!